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Hanging Flower Baskets for Mother’s Day
It’s that time of year again, where spring is in the air, flowers are in bloom, and we set aside a full day to celebrate Moms. And with all of that comes our May Plant of the Month: Hanging Baskets!
We love when they appear here at Preston’s as they make one of our favorite displays. Hanging baskets are a perfect way to add a pop of color and make your yard really look and feel like spring. They are clean, professional, and are a breeze to install: no digging required!
They are great for a yard that has limited garden space. And, they don’t just have to line your porch or hang on a fence, they can be displayed almost anywhere using a shepherd’s hook. They come in an assortment of sizes, colors & flower variety.
You are guaranteed to find one (or a few!) that you love!

Tips on caring for your new, beautiful hanging basket.
The biggest culprit for your baskets will be the heat and how quickly they will dry out from that summer sun. Hanging baskets have less soil in them than the normal garden set-up, so they will require a bit more H2O to stay bright and lively.
To check if your planter is too dry, simply stick your finger in the top layer of soil. If it’s dry, then it’ll need some water. If the soil is cool to the touch, it’s good to go a little longer.
You’ll need to water regularly during the growing season: 1-2x a day for those sunny areas. If they are in the shade, they can go another day or two. When watering, go slow to help the water absorb. You want the soil to be sparkling, NOT swimming. You’ll know when your basket is fully watered as water will start to come out from the bottom.
Your hanging baskets will need some more help staying happy and full through some basic pruning. You’ll want to remove anything dead, sick, or damaged (aka deadheading). When you do this, it makes your flowers get more energy to perk right back up and keep goin’!
Fun Tip: Going on vacation and don’t want your baskets to dry out? You can put them in a kiddie-pool or big tub with a few inches of water and you’ll be good to go!
Might we add that they make the perfect Mother’s Day gift for all the Moms in your life – celebrated this year on Sunday, May 9, 2021.
Happy Mother’s Day!